Matt Rain
Collection size
Proposed retail price of project
Proposed discount for the Cap3 DAO
Describe the project
We are molecular biologists & computer scientists working to unstick bottlenecks in cancer research via blockchain cryptography and powerful AI. NFT molecular art fuels our R&D: • is selling the coolest NFT art of the year. Each piece is a different painting on a 3D model of the SARS-CoV2 spike protein. The molecule of the year. The CoViD vaccine antigen. • Proceeds directly accelerate our tools to unlock next-gen cancer research. This is the point of the project. Our blockchain/AI technology works, and we’re racing to publishable product. • Extra bonus: The NFT is a membership token for the VaxGratitude Flashmob DAO, where members send their Spikes as emissaries to lightshow thank-you events — just to say thanks to the vaccine scientists, docs, and nurses who have carried us through a WW viral pandemic.
We're just trying to do good work, make good art, and move our informatics project faster every day. More information is always online at the project have any unique characteristics or IP?
Yes! Hopefully some unique elements jump out of that project description. The art is 3D molecules dressed up in thank-you-ball gowns and tuxedos. The utility is a) better cures for all of us when we need them and b) participation in thank-you-card light shows around the world. The IP is clean (and beautiful).
Describe the team
Our extraordinary team is fully doxed at • Matt (founder) is a molecular geneticist working to accelerate cancer research by integrating blockchain cryptography and AI. • Tim is an attorney, and one of the first scholars to publish on the topic of harmonizing DAOs with traditional corporate structures. • Aaron is a full stack Web3 development ninja. Other members are also key to the project.
Our project roadmap is online at and pasted below. • Go. Design, create, and present 3D molecular art that is equally fit for crypto wallets and cosmopolitan art galleries. Make it visually stunning and poetically powerful. • Mint list. Early supporters can apply to VIP Mint List to buy their own signature Spike NFTs and join the chorus of thanks for vaccine science. Mint listed VIPs get early-access to Spike Protein NFT mint and a featured signature space on the flashmob thank-you card light show (see below). • Private Sale. Mint listed VIPs get early access to private mint and 20% discount on public sale price. • Public Sale. Spike Protein Molecular NFTs go on sale to the public. (Summer, 2022) • When 25% are sold: 3D Viewer App - Vax Gratitude team releases powerful 3D viewer app for NFT owners to adjust backgrounds and lighting while displaying their wallet-connected Spike Protein avatars. Works in full screen mode on phones, tablets, big screens, and projector formats. • When 40% are Sold: NFT Flashmob Thank You Card - Vax Gratitude team releases Worldwide Thank You Card for vaccine scientists, medical pros, and clinical trial volunteers. It’s an artistic lightshow spectacle where thousands of Spike Protein NFT avatars, representing owners around the world, come together in a flashmob swirl of color, unity, and gratitude.Media events and public showings will be announced on this site and project Discord server. • When 50% are Sold: Directly Accelerate Race for Cures - Hire 2 additional developers directly onto the MS Orchestra informatics project. The Spike Protein NFT art sale is a fundraiser to accelerate development on informatics project to accelerate humanity’s race for cures with novel blockchain and AI technologies. • When 100% are Sold: Encore presentations of the Vax Gratitude thank-you card lightshow around world. NFT owners will receive progress updates on the MS Orchestra project and will be invited to share input on additional projects.
Please consider our website as a supplement for pitch deck, bios, project overview videos, etc.Capital needed and how it will be used
Our art is done and in hand. We've begun to make impressions in the W3 space and build community, but we have more work to do. We're seeking $150K to: • Market and build community • Organize and document rarity traits for our art before mint • Begin animating the thank-you card light show flashmob - because we believe this will help community building.
Links to social media, website, etc.
Website: Twitter: New Discord: Podcast: Other podcasts have been recorded and/or scheduled. Etsy is under early construction at
Our socials are still young, but we're gearing up to push them hard. We want our project to be measured by how dramatically we increased vaccine gratitude and how substantially we accelerated cancer research.Upload, pitch deck, one pager, bios or any collateral if available
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