
The Futurus Project




^Art/Collectible; ^Metaverse; ^Social Impact

Collection size


Proposed retail price of project


Proposed discount for the Cap3 DAO


Describe the project

The Futurus Project is the ultimate Web3 investment game-plan for a humane and nature-friendly future, that stands the test of time.

See video pitch to Cap3 here: Hello Cap3 community! Do you puzzle over how to spot successful NFT projects that’ll grow in value? Because crypto investment trends have been out of control in recent months and we believe, it's time to go back to the basics. To support effective NFT projects that stand the test of time, you must focus on two things: (1) Find other people - who have a healthy, long-term vision for their own wellbeing, who truly value their community and the health of our planet. (2) Take action – against two threats being posed to all participants in cyberspace. Those threats are (A) Being mined for our attention (something that’s been called the attention economy) and (B) the navigating through increasing complexity of information. These two principles guide The Futurus Project. In the first stage of the project, we bring together artists and collectors to answer the question: ‘What does a future of humane and nature-friendly technology look like?’ This satisfies the questions of why we are all here participating in the evolution of Web3. It ties your interest in crypto and blockchain back to the fundamental matter of survival of our species. But this NFT-based visioning step is just the beginning for Futurus. I’ll explain the next steps in a moment after a reality check. We all know deep down that owning crypto coins and tokens will not buy you happiness. But what almost no one understands when looking out for projects to invest in is the idea of regeneration and the profound benefits to our long-term wellbeing that come with it. You see, many of the technologies we rely upon in the 21st century have side effects that are eroding ecosystems on our planet. Now it’s true that technologies often enhance our lives. So, what the Futurus project aims to refocus our attention of cultivating a relationship with technology that enhances health. Where better to explore these issues than within a community that sits at the creative, leading edge of disruptive web3 technologies? Here are the first four stages for the Futurus project: * Stage 1 - Futurus Exhibition. A drop of artwork created by a small group of artists around the question: ‘What does a future of humane and nature-friendly technology look like?’ * Stage 2 – Futurus Value Network Token Drop. From the artwork created by the founding artists in stage 1 exhibition, a group of key symbols representing for the future health of our planet will be identified and used for round two to create 10,000 unique generative pieces as tokens which also serve as tickets for owners to stage 3. * Stage 3 - Re-imaging the Future Intensive Conference. A multi-day conference which brings together thought leaders in regenerative principles from economics, agriculture, social sciences and mental health research. Futurus community token holders get to contribute and participate in agreeing what's important to them and the planet and the direction that the Futurus project heads. We are seeking funding from Cap3 for stages 1-3 and more stages are planned. We’re already forming links with other trust-based networks that addressing the signs of global system collapse (The Metacrisis). Here’s our plan for post Cap3 investment. * Stage 4 – Broadcast the successful outcomes of the conference in stage 3 and build more relationships. * Stage 5 – Actively Participate in other building other trust-based networks * Stage 6 – Support the creation of what thought leaders are terming a ‘Super-Organism’. A collective network that regenerates planet earth and support global human wellbeing.

Does the project have any unique characteristics or IP?

Yes, we are using a novel combination of of online and offline processes to find other community members who have a healthy long-term vision for their own wellbeing and planetary health.

Describe the team

Ian Tennant - Ian’s career has focused on human and environmental health for over two decades. He has a PhD in Clinical and Surgical Sciences from the University of Edinburgh. Designs and delivers research and consults on how to help improve mental and physical wellbeing. Runs a clinic offering manual therapy, health mentoring and group sessions for body awareness and movement.

Karolyn Webb - Karolyn is an experienced Psychology Research Technician, Learning Technologist and Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher and further education industry. Lee Mason - Lee is a digital artist who has supported several community, environmental and health-related projects. An early adopter of CryptoArt, his work now focuses on the metaverse. Twitter alias @MetageistVR Suraj Sisoda - Suraj is a graphic design graduate with interest in branding and illustration.


See also video pitch to Cap3 here:

FUTURUS PROJECT ROADMAP * Stage 1 - Futurus Exhibition – early 2022 * Stage 2 – Futurus Value Network Token Drop – Mid 2023 * Stage 3 - Re-imaging the Future Intensive Conference - late 2023 We are seeking funding from Cap3 for stages 1-3. Stages 4-6 below will begin in 2024.. * Stage 4 – Broadcast the successful outcomes of the conference * Stage 5 – Actively participate in other building other trust-based networks * Stage 6 – Support the creation of what thought leaders are terming a ‘Super-Organism’. A collective network that regenerates planet earth and support global human wellbeing.

Capital needed and how it will be used

Capital for Stage 1-3. $156,000 total for 12 months to cover three full time staff, consultancy fees for project founders, marketing and events. A draft budget is below in $

*BUDGETED ITEM & COST* *Salaries* Community Manager @ £28K/year $33,600.00 Developer Costs @ £28K/year $33,600.00 Digital Designer @ £28K/year $33,600.00 *Consultancy Fees @ 2 days/month each for 12 months* Karolyn £300 x 24 $8,640.00 Ian £300 x 24 $8,640.00 Lee £300 X 24 $8,640.00 NI and pension 2500 per PAYE/ year $9,000.00 Payroll 100 x 12 x 3 $4,320.00 *Contractor fees, subscriptions, events and marketing* Contracted Marketing Support for NFTs $2,400.00 Hosting and delivering multi-day conference $3,600.00 Entry and Travel to London NFT networking events $1,800.00 Creative cloud - £51.98 per month $748.80 Moralis full server - $49 per month $720.00 Web hosting -£20 a month $288.00 2 x new laptops for PAYE staff $6,240.00 Contignecy - $1,200.00 TOTAL $155,836.80 Dollar Equivalent @ conversion rate 1.2 USD to the GBP

Links to social media, website, etc. Twitter handle @FuturusNFT Cap3 video pitch

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