Project Name
^Art/Collectible; ^Utility; ^Social Impact; NFT BRAND
Collection size
Proposed retail price of project
Proposed discount for the Cap3 DAO
Describe the project
Does the project have any unique characteristics or IP?
The project has over 300 traits but it's only a 10K collection. We built our own rarity tools just for our project it's actually on our website and can only be accessed via a password. We plan to make this available to everyone wants the project is sold oot. Our whole promise is to build a brand which will provide value for the nft collection especially since we're using them to build physical products that we intend to put on shelves. We're not trying to reinvent the wheel or do something super complicated in fact the product that I chose specifically is a pacifier. The reason why I chose that is because it's a 10K collection so that means I could create thousands of unique designs for the packaging and the pacifier itself and I could do this for years before I ever run out of designs this could be a physical product sold on shelves and would be very successful as long as this marketed right pacifiers are no brainer and are even better if people start to think of them as a collectible. If you're curious about what I'm talking about check out the website it's all there.
Describe the team
Right now it's just me and three other decks once I have some actual funding I intend to put multiple people on payroll under my LLC LIONSGALA.LLC
Capital needed and how it will be used
For us it's a no-brainer any Capital that we raise will be used to fulfill everything in our roadmap into push full steam ahead when getting a physical product on the shelves to help boost the value of the entire collection. Will also be using it of course to hire a marketing team that specializes in dealing and selling nft collections.
Links to social media, website, etc.
@lionsgala.eth on TikTok.
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