Project Name

Celestial Cats





Collection size


Proposed retail price of project


Proposed discount for the Cap3 DAO


Describe the project

The Celestial Cats NFT project is the foundation of something not just big but absurdly fun. A sprawling, immersive, fully-interactive metaverse where nature and technology coexist, where people leave their own boring skin and become full-grown apex predators. Part of the allure of the Celestial Plain is the setting itself. Nature through technology. The marriage of aesthetics. Dense jungles and online stores. Breastplates and headphones. Cats that do commerce and eat raw meat. It’s fun, it’s absurd, it’s everything we think the metaverse should be.

Does the project have any unique characteristics or IP?

Our NFT collection consists of 7,777 unique felines implemented and living on the Polygon blockchain. These beasts are divided into four separate collections. They are randomly generated and each of them possesses seven unique attributes. The items within some of these attributes are fixed amongst all four collections. The different economies in the territories of each cat means that even if they share attributes with one another, the rarity level of those attributes can vary depending on the collection.

Describe the team

Our love nature and art coupled with our knowledge and fascination for DeFi, the blockchain, and web 3 is our driving force. We started with the simple goal of making something cool, knowing we’d have to face challenges along the way but also aware of how much we’d learn in the process. That’s still what drives us, night and day, hour upon sleepless hour, but if, along the way, we can do some small good in the world, then this whole journey will be all the better for it.


Phase 1: At 12:01 AM on the 1st of January, 2023, 400 Celestial Cats went live as free-to-mint NFTs on the official Celestial Cats website for anyone with a crypto wallet to obtain. This free-mint was to be triggered once we obtained 100 Twitter followers and 100 Discord members. Prior to the mint, our community grew to over 400 Twitter followers and 300 Discord members. The free-mint was then triggered and sold out in less than 48 hours. Phase 2: The next phase kicks off at 12:01 AM on the 12th of February. 4,177 more Celestial Cats will be unveiled from the collection. This will be accompanied by the launch of our very own official ERC-20 token, which we call CELESTE. CELESTE will serve as the backbone of the tokenomics within the metaverse. Celestial Cats NFT owners will be able to form their avatar based on the NFTs they own and accumulate currency to spend while in our world. The number of tokens a person receives will depend on the type of cat seen on their NFT as well as the rarity of the attributes. During this phase, CELESTE tokens will be airdropped to NFT holders and selected Discord members. Phase 3: At 12:01 AM on the 1st of October, 2023, the remaining 3,200 Celestial Cats NFTs will be released, completing the full-mint of all four collections. Once every Celestial Cat NFT is out, available for minting, we will begin development of the Celestial Plain metaverse platform. We hope to release a BETA version of the metaverse in January 2024.

Capital needed and how it will be used

A portion of the capital accumulated for this project will be used to strengthen and diversify our marketing, augmenting our strategies to make room for more ambitious avenues that will provide more coverage and exposure within the NFT and web 3 communities. The majority of funds will be used in the development stage for when we actually start building the Celestial Cats metaverse from the ground up. This includes world-rendering, creation of digital assets, creation of in-world mini-games, installing VR functionalities etc.

Links to social media, website, etc.

Twitter: Discord: Official Website: OpenSea:

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