Project Name

Nicholas hahn





Collection size


Proposed retail price of project


Proposed discount for the Cap3 DAO


Describe the project

An NFT project collection. NFTiques Preserving the past for today's future . Nfts of different Antique items I figure the number of NFTs that we could make for collection would be endless so would be a big money maker.

Does the project have any unique characteristics or IP?

Unlimited amount of NFTs and it's a way to preserve the past.

Describe the team

Just me


I would need to get with moonlanding they would be the ones I would have help with it I've spoken to them but don't have the capital.

Capital needed and how it will be used

It's 10000 to fund the project with moonlandings help.

Links to social media, website, etc.

Upload, pitch deck, one pager, bios or any collateral if available

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