Private: Press


4m read

Jan 31


2023-01-31 13:39:25

Celestial Cats

Stage: *Growth
Category: ^Metaverse
Collection size: 7777
Proposed discount: 20
Capital needed: A portion of the capital accumulated for this project will be used to strengthen and diversify our marketing, augmenting our strategies to make room for more ambitious avenues that will provide more coverage and exposure within the NFT and web 3 communities. The majority of funds will be used in the development stage for when we actually start building the Celestial Cats metaverse from the ground up. This includes world-rendering, creation of digital assets, creation of in-world mini-games, installing VR functionalities etc.
Date: 2023-01-31 13:39:25

3m read

Jan 22


2023-01-22 12:45:03

Stage: *Seed
Category: ^Art/Collectible; ^Utility; ^Social Impact; NFT BRAND
Collection size: 10k
Proposed discount: 200
Capital needed: For us it's a no-brainer any Capital that we raise will be used to fulfill everything in our roadmap into push full steam ahead when getting a physical product on the shelves to help boost the value of the entire collection. Will also be using it of course to hire a marketing team that specializes in dealing and selling nft collections.
Date: 2023-01-22 12:45:03

2m read

Jan 21


2023-01-20 22:03:14

Christine Beggs (legal); Christine Ren (artist name)

Stage: *Seed
Category: ^Art/Collectible; ^Social Impact
Collection size: 10,000
Proposed discount: 35
Capital needed: $50,000-$100,000; project budget attached: The approximate projected cost-breakdowns per category of expense needed to viably launch this project are outlined. It would be feasible to do at either end of that budgetary range, simply achieve very different ROIs. The costs that remain static on each budget tab are for art gen, team consultants, dev builds & tech, but the variable costs are those that can be dialed up on the marketing budget/ ad spend sections - serving as catalyst for traffic that then ultimately sales and conversions.
Date: 2023-01-20 22:03:14